Special content blocks

A common use of directives and roles is to designate “special blocks” of your content. This allows your to include more complex information such as warnings and notes, citations, and figures. This section covers a few common ones.

Notes, warnings, and other admonitions

Let’s say you wish to highlight a particular block of text that exists slightly apart from the narrative of your page. You can use the {note} directive for this.

For example, the following text:

Here is a note!

Results in the following output:


Here is a note!

There are a number of similarly-styled blocks of text. For example, here is a {warning} block:


Here’s a warning! It was created with:


For a complete list of options, see the sphinx-book-theme documentation.

Blocks of text with custom titles

You can also choose the title of your message box by using the {admonition} directive. For example, the following text:

```{admonition} Here's your admonition
Here's the admonition content

Results in the following output:

Here’s your admonition

Here’s the admonition content

If you’d like to style these blocks, then use the :class: option. For example:

This admonition was styled…

Using the following pattern:

```{admonition} My title
:class: tip
My content

New style admonitions

The admonition syntax above utilises the general directives syntax. This has the advantage of making it consistent with every other directive. However, a big disadvantage is that, when working in any standard Markdown editor (or with the Jupyter Notebook interface), the text they contain will not render nicely as standard Markdown (for Markdown previews).

By enabling extended syntax in your _config.yml, you will gain access to an alternative syntax for admonitions:

  myst_extended_syntax: true

The key differences is that, instead of back-ticks (`), colons (:) are used, and thus the content renders as regular Markdown.

For example:

This text is **standard** _Markdown_


This text is standard Markdown

Similar to normal directives, these admonitions can also be nested:

This text is **standard** _Markdown_



This text is standard Markdown


This syntax only supports a selective subset of directives:

admonition, attention, caution, danger, error, important, hint, note, seealso, tip and warning.

These directives do not currently allow for parameters to be set, but you can add additional CSS classes to the admonition as comma-delimited arguments after the directive name. Also, admonition can have a custom title. For example:

:::{admonition,warning} This *is* also **Markdown**
This text is **standard** _Markdown_

This is also Markdown

This text is standard Markdown

Hiding the content of admonitions

You can also hide the body of your admonition blocks so that users must click a button to reveal their content. This is helpful if you’d like to include some text that isn’t immediately visible to the user.

To hide the body of admonition blocks, add the dropdown class to them, like so:

:class: dropdown
The note body will be hidden!

results in:

You can use this in conjunction with {admonition} directives to include your own titles and stylings. For example:

:::{admonition,dropdown,tip} Click the + sign to see what's inside
Here's what's inside!

results in:


Admonition dropdowns require JavaScript to be enabled on the browser which they are viewed. By contrast, the dropdown directive below works purely via HTML+CSS.

Insert code cell outputs into admonitions

If you’d like to insert the outputs of running code inside admonition blocks, we recommend using glue functionality. For example, we’ll insert one of the outputs that was glued into the book from the code outputs page.

The code below:

Here's my figure:



Here’s my figure: ../_images/code-outputs_20_1.png

See Insert code outputs into page content for more information on how to use glue to insert your outputs directly into your content.


To hide code input and output that generated the variable you are inserting, use the remove_cell tag. See Hide or remove content for more information and other tag options.

Panels and dropdowns

Jupyter Book now also integrates the sphinx-panels extension. This allows you to add special blocks to your online content, for example

Content of the left panel.


was created with

Content of the left panel.



```{link-button} content/panels
:text: Clickable right panel
:type: ref
:classes: stretched-link


Another example making use of dropdowns is given below:

which was created from:

```{dropdown} Click on me to see my content!
I'm the content which can be **anything** {fa}`check,text-success ml-1`

Even other blocks.

Definition lists

Definition lists are enabled by defining the following setting in your _config.yml:

  myst_extended_syntax: true

Definition lists utilise the markdown-it-py deflist plugin, which itself is based on the Pandoc definition list specification.

This syntax can be useful, for example, as an alternative to nested bullet lists:

  • Term 1

    • Definition

  • Term 2

    • Definition

Using instead:

Term 1
: Definition

Term 2
: Definition


Term 1


Term 2


From the Pandoc documentation:

Each term must fit on one line, which may optionally be followed by a blank line, and must be followed by one or more definitions. A definition begins with a colon or tilde, which may be indented one or two spaces.

A term may have multiple definitions, and each definition may consist of one or more block elements (paragraphs, code blocks, lists, etc.)

Here is a more complex example, demonstrating some of these features:

Term with Markdown

Definition with reference

A second paragraph

A second definition

Term 2

Definition 2a

Definition 2b

Term 3
A code block

A quote

A final definition, that can even include images:


This was created with the following Markdown:

Term *with Markdown*
: Definition [with reference](ontent/definition-lists)

  A second paragraph

Term 2
  ~ Definition 2a
  ~ Definition 2b

Term 3
:     A code block

: > A quote

: A final definition, that can even include images:

  <img src="../images/fun-fish.png" alt="fishy" width="200px">

Quotations and epigraphs

Quotations and epigraphs provide ways to highlight information given by others. They behave slightly differently.

Regular quotations are controlled with standard Markdown syntax, i.e., by inserting a caret (>) symbol in front of one or more lines of text. For example, the following quotation:

Here is a cool quotation.

From me, Jo the Jovyan

Was created with this Markdown:

> Here is a cool quotation.
> From me, Jo the Jovyan

Epigraphs draw more attention to a quote and highlight its author. You should keep these relatively short so that they don’t take up too much vertical space. Here’s how an epigraph looks:

Here is a cool quotation.

From me, Jo the Jovyan

This was generated with this Markdown:

Here is a cool quotation.

From me, Jo the Jovyan

You can provide an attribution to an epigraph by adding -- to the final line, followed by the quote author. For example, the epigraph

Here is a cool quotation.

—Jo the Jovyan

was generated with this Markdown:

Here is a cool quotation.

-- Jo the Jovyan


Glossaries allow you to define terms in a glossary so you can then link back to it throughout your content. You can create a glossary with the following syntax:

Term one
  An indented explanation of term 1

A second term
  An indented explanation of term2

which creates:

Term one

An indented explanation of term 1

A second term

An indented explanation of term2

To reference terms in your glossary, use the {term} role. For example, {term}`Term one` becomes Term one and {term}`A second term` becomes A second term.

Tabbed content

You can also use sphinx-panels to produce tabbed content. This allows you to display a variety of tabbed content blocks that users can click on.

For example, here’s a group of tabs showing off code in a few different languages:

int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
  return 0;
def main():
class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
function main()

You can use this functionality with the {tabbed} directive. You can provide a sequence of {tabbed} directives, and each one will be used to generate a new tab (unless the :new-group: option is added to a {tabbed} directive.)

For example, the following code:

```{tabbed} Tab 1 title
My first tab

```{tabbed} Tab 2 title
My second tab with `some code`!


My first tab

My second tab with some code!

Insert code outputs in your tabs with the glue functionality.

For example, the following tabs use this functionality to glue images and tables generated somewhere else in these docs:


Fig. 1 This is a caption, with an embedded {glue:text} element: 3.00!

first second third
0 3.107269 3.214322 2.859954
1 2.963220 2.871991 3.108072
2 2.542391 3.040299 3.093129
3 3.168404 2.826040 2.837672
4 2.637325 2.955388 3.170391

Fig. 2 A caption for a pandas table.

````{tabbed} A histogram
```{glue:figure} boot_fig
:figwidth: 300px
:name: "fig-boot-tab"

This is a **caption**, with an embedded `{glue:text}` element: {glue:text}`boot_mean:.2f`!

````{tabbed} A table
```{glue:figure} df_tbl
:figwidth: 300px
:name: "tbl:df-tab"

A caption for a pandas table.

````{tabbed} Code to generate this
`{ code block here }`

See the sphinx-panels tabbed documentation for more information on how to use this.

Citations and cross-references

You can add citations and cross-references to your book. See References and citations for more information on how to do this.


You can thoroughly customise the look of figures in your book. See Images and figures for more information.

Page layout and sidebar content

You can also use MyST to control various aspects of the page layout. For more information on this, see Control the page layout.


You can include footnotes in your book using standard Markdown syntax. This will include a numbered reference to the footnote in-line, and append the footnote to a list of footnotes at the bottom of the page.

To create a footnote, first insert a reference in-line with this syntax: [^mylabel]. Then, define the text for that label like so:

[^mylabel]: My footnote text.

You can define [^mylabel] anywhere in the page, though its definition will always be placed at the bottom of your built page. For example, here’s a footnote 1 and here’s another one 2. You can click either of them to see the footnotes at the bottom of this page.

Custom <div> blocks

You can add custom div blocks along with whatever classes you’d like using the {div} directive. The {div} directive will wrap everything inside in a single <div> with the classes you provide. For example:

```{div} my-class
**Some content.**

Will result in the following HTML when your book is built:

<div class="my-class">
  <strong>Some content.</strong>

This can be useful if you’d like to style your book with custom CSS or JavaScript.


Here’s the text of my first note.


And the text of my second note. Note that you can include Markdown footnote definitions.